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Ossuary Erotica

Volume I : Issue II


Stories by:

Heatherlie Allison and Patricia Cram


View Trailer HERE.


Made by hand
Printed on 100% recycled paper

Dimensions: 5.25" x 5.25"

44 pages



I. 靈: THE THOUSAND-YEAR EGG by Patricia Cram

A small village receives rare bounty from the bottom of a lake. 


“Ling brought her incense to her nose. The fragrant smoke spiraled around her, mirroring the shape of the beast. As it masked the stench that had summoned all the villagers to the lake, Ling closed her eyes and sought out the soul of the being on which they would all soon feed.”


II. THE CHILDREN’S TREE by Heatherlie Allison

Tree-as-creator binds her children to perpetual return.


“Tree’s tissues will hold The Children, sculpt their direction. Descending to Root, they will be fed of Earth. Ascending to Branch, they will be lifted to Sun. Here, the portal-fruit flowers; its star-angled blossoms unfold like moon-pale gossamer.”


*Includes digital download of audio component:

Read by Heatherlie Allison with Soundscape by Brad Mowen


III. IXTI XOIHL by Patricia Cram

In need of water, three sisters take their ancient rite to a cave.


“Cave urges its own shadows out to feel the greased pinpricks of theirs. Where black earth-clouds nuzzle, there is pulling. The vibrating sisters draw in, one step closer to mouth of cave.”

IV. REST YE MERRY by Heatherlie Allison

At a crossroads, a scarlet mother-to-be finds revelation in a sacred grove.


“In some ways, the miniscule seemed larger than life, unrestingly. She contemplated. And for certain, this corpse was a hallowed universe of unseen systems. To the fallen, she gave thanks, its flown soul now sainted.”


PRINT EDITION—Volume I: Issue II—Winter Solstice MMXIX



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